Strong and Sustainable Structure
We believe that to accomplish our mission we need a strong and sustainable structure so we can grow with efficiency, quality and safety. Our structure is based on ethical principles and is aligned with the pursuit of transparency, data security and greater environmental sustainability in our operations.Our board is plural and independent, ensuring the transparency in all of our processes and the outlook of professionals with different backgrounds, guaranteeing the best decision making for the company.
We believe that quality is essential to our clients and is, therefore, the most important aspect of our supplier selection process. Arco leads a unique effort in Brazilian print production industry together with all its main suppliers, helping to develop and improve new quality control standards, processes and techniques throughout the chain.
We work continuously to ensure the protection of information and data for employees, customers and partners.Our Data Security pillars are based on the NIST framework: recover, respond, detect, protect and identify.
On our journey to adapt to the LGPD (Brazilian General Law of Data Protection), we have developed new standards, policies and implemented governance and monitoring processes. Security incidents involving personal data are treated as priority and involves the main leaders of the competent areas.

Corporate governance
- Our Code of Ethics and Conduct
- 63% of our Board members are independent
- 38% of our Board members are women

Data protection
- NIST implemented as our security framework
- LGPD (General Law of Data Protection) being implemented in every business units

Environmental impact
- 100% of our suppliers have internal training against slavery work, child labor and discrimination
- 100% of our suppliers have some environmental & forest certification (FSC©)
- 100% of our suppliers have an environmental management plan
- 100% of our suppliers have a proper chemical waste disposal plan
- 83% of our suppliers conducts internal training regarding environmental management
- 67% of our suppliers conducts environmental evaluation once hiring their own suppliers